Passion! By Virtual Concierge Services

“There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When She was good, She was very good indeed…“ So goes the first half a poem written by Henry Longfellow over a hundred years ago. This little poem reminds me a lot of the weather in...

A Sizzling Start to the New Year! By Virtual Concierge Services

Well the Christmas holidays have come and gone in the blink of an eye. Or I could say in the flare of a flame… or in a flash. I think the word “flash” is the correct word to use here in Cape Town. It is scorching! It has been for weeks now. My daughter loved the...

Hot! Hot! Hot! By Virtual Concierge Services

Oh yes, we’ve had our wet and windy days. There are days the sea has been whipped by the wind, creamy white tips flecking a turbulent steel blue sea. Birds fly in one spot, barely seeming to move and high, high in the sky, pelicans soar and swoop catching the raging...

Summer has arrived! Virtual Concierge Services

Yay, summer is here – it is official – the swallows are here! Today the sky is a cobalt blue, the sun is hot and this morning as I walked my daughter to school we had the pleasure of seeing a large flock of swallows chasing insects, wheeling high in the sky, darting...